Movement Arts Institute; Happy, Healthy People

  Enjoy this recipe compliments of:
    Movement Arts Institute

From Chloe's Kitchen Volume 1 (revised)

Serves 3-4


1/2 pound long pasta noodles - spaghetti, linguini, fettuccine etc.
1/2 package peas
1-2 cloves garlic, minced
1 small onion - chopped
1 medium zucchini
1 medium yellow squash
1-2 carrots
3 Tablespoons butter
2 teaspoons Seitenbacher's Vegetable Broth
black pepper


1. Cook pasta and drain, or reuse water to cook peas and drain
2. Shred zucchini, squash, carrots - a food processor makes short work of this
3. Using a large skillet, saute onion in butter
4. When onion is transparent, add garlic, stir, turn heat to medium high, then quickly add shredded vegetables
5. Saute briefly (2-4 min) - avoid over cooking. You may want to pull the pan to one side of the burner and tip the pan to reduce the juices
6. Add Seitenbachers to broth in the pan, or, if too dry, add to a small amount of water and mix in.
7. Add salt, black pepper to taste
8. Mix into pasta

- Excellent with grated parmesan
- Try with buckwheat pasta - tasty and a good way to cut down on white flour.
- Experiment using different springtime veggies like snow peas, sugar snap peas
      TIP: Just remember to keep the overall quantity of veggies similar or increase the other ingredients
              You don't have to be too precise.